On-the-Job Injury (OJI)

All OJI claims and inquiries should be sent to  [email protected]

This information relates to the On-the-Job Injury Program for Rutherford County Government. This Program is provided for in Tennessee Code 50-6-106(6), Rutherford County has elected to opt out of the State Workers Compensation Program and elected to implement and administrate an On-the-Job Injury Program (hereinafter OJI). The OJI program was developed by the County to provide a culture of safety & well-being for all its employees. Rutherford County is committed to incorporate & maintain a well-trained, informed & responsible workforce.

The OJI program is a benefits program that provides medical, rehabilitation, income, death and other benefits to qualified employees due to injury, illness and death resulting from a compensable work-related claim. In addition to these benefits, the injured employee also has certain responsibilities. The benefits and responsibilities are described in greater detail in the plan document.

Please review the OJI Plan Document PDF for detailed information about the program.


 Property and Casualty Insurance

Risk exposure for the County is monitored through the auspices of the Safety Coordinator and Safety Committees.

Rutherford County is self-funded for property and liability claims, but does utilize insurance products over certain thresholds. A comprehensive insurance program for high dollar claims is in place. The program is reviewed on an annual basis

Collins and Company, Inc. is the third party administrator for all property and liability claims and the broker for the excess insurance programs. 

Link to Notice of Occurrence PDF: